Data Analyst Nano Degree
Today I finished the Udacity home schooling (online university) nano degree for Data Analytics. I enrolled during the Pandemic on the 24th of February and finished on the 19th of June. So the course took me roundabout 4 months, which is exactly the time the Syllabus estimated.
I don’t want to go into much detail about the syllabus of the online course, but give you an overview of the concept of udacity. They have some free courses, so you can easily make up your mind yourself.
The course is divided into lessons, which themselves are divided into chapters. Each learning matter is introduced by some videos, which are followed by some multiple choice questions.
When enough material (every two to five chapters) is accumulated, then a jupyter notebook is opened in the classroom section which can be edited online. These hands on sections also include more complicated questions, which can only be answered, if the proper calculations are performed in the jupyter notebook.
Each chapter is finished with a project that contains data analysis of either provided or self chosen sources. The projects are reviewed by udacity and provided with thorough comments and helpful remarks.
I’m happy with the result and liked the experience. But I also have to say, that some of the topics where handled with to much detail.