This week I started another “Nano-Degree” at Udacity: “Machine Learning Engineer”.

The Nano Degree consist out of five courses, the first course is software engineering and as a part of it one is encouraged to upload ones own Python class to PyPi to build up a own portfolio.

So I took the script from RKI Data Scraper, refined it to a class and uploaded it to PyPi as rki_scraper. It downloads the current version of the RKI csv file and parses it into a pandas dataframe. Thats about it, but I haven’t found anything similar on the web last summer.

To download it, do the following:

~$ pip install rki_scraper
~$ python
>>> from rki_scraper import RKI
>>> r = RKI()  # wait a while to download and parse a >>100 MB csv file
>>> r.df.head()

If you need help, or find a bug just drop a mail!